Sims 3 Maternity Clothes Download

'The Sims 3' is a life-simulation game available for the PC, Mac, Wii, PlayStation 3 and Nintendo DS. In the game, the player creates simulated people, or 'Sims,' and leads them through a career, family life and other adventures. Adult female Sims can become pregnant in the game and immediately switch to default maternity clothes during the pregnancy. 'The Sims 3' allows players to download and use new outfits for their pregnant Sims, making it easy for a player to spice up the mommy-to-be's wardrobe.

Adult female Sims can become pregnant in the game and immediately switch to default maternity clothes during the pregnancy. 'The Sims 3' allows players to download and use. A Journal article recounted that the 5-foot, 3-inch, 107-pound brunette received a $15,000 scholarship. The Sims 2| CC Shopping [#5] - Maternity Edition!! How To Wear Sims 2 Custom Content Maternity Clothes. How To Download & Install Sims 2 Custom Content https. This Exchange item contains one or more items from the Sims 3 Store, expansion pack(s) and/or stuff pack(s). If you own the store item/expansion/stuff pack(s) noted below, the item will download properly.

Visit 'The Sims 3' website, and log in (see Resources). If you have not already registered your game, you will need to do this now and create a user ID and password.

Click on 'The Exchange' tab, and select 'Clothing' to find downloadable clothing.

Type 'Maternity' in the field for keywords on the left side of the screen to see the downloadable maternity outfits.

Click 'Add to Game' to download the outfit you'd like and follow the on-screen instructions to download the outfit.

Open 'The Sims 3' by putting the game disc in your computer or clicking the 'The Sims 3' icon on your desktop. After the game loads, click on your family to begin playing. The new maternity outfit will now be available for your pregnant Sim when you click on a dresser and select 'Plan Outfit.'

Further customize your outfit using the color and pattern options available under the 'Plan Outfit' menu and clicking the icon on the bottom right corner.

Sims 3 maternity clothes cheats


There are lots of user-created sites with Sims 3 downloadable clothing. Downloading content from a nontrusted source could lead to viruses on your computer.

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The Sims 3 Maternity Clothes Downloads

  • edited September 2013
    If you have NRaas' Master Controller mod, you can use just about anything as Maternity Clothes. You just click on the sim (while controlling them) and select NRaas > Master Controller > Stylist and voila!
    You can also download some from MySims3Blog and many other places, but that website has almost anything and everything you could imagine on it.
    However, if you play without CC and mods I am absolutely no help to you whatsoever. Sorry
  • edited September 2013
    I actually play without CC or Mods But thank you so much for taking the time to read and reply!
  • edited September 2013
    Gosh, I know someone made a list at some point on here! However if you have the generation ep a lot of clothes that came with that on maternity. I am not sure if there is any store added items that are maternity. I wish I could be more help, but good luck!
  • edited September 2013
    As well as the clothes that came with Generations, a couple of the coats (outdoor wear) that came with Seasons have a pregnancy morph. Unfortunately, I don't think any of the store clothes do. I would really love some more pregnancy-enabled clothes without having to resort to CC ...
    Edit to say that I think one of the dresses from the store set Tutor of Tudors has a dress that's enabled for pregnancy - I don't have this set so I'm not sure which one it is.
  • edited September 2013
    I usually just change the everyday clothes and nightwear into that dress the game always puts them in and change the colour before the bump shows :-)
  • edited September 2013
    I just took a pregnant sim into CAS with Master Controller & took screenshots for you, but the clothing panels don't show up in any of them.
  • edited September 2013
    I just took a pregnant sim into CAS with Master Controller & took screenshots for you, but the clothing panels don't show up in any of them.

    You can't use the in game screenshot thing for this as it automatically removes any UI from the shot. You have to Print Screen on your keyboard and then open up an image program like paint and paste the screenshot there. Save and repeat as many times as necessary
  • edited September 2013
    It would be so nice if they added a little icon to the clothes in CAS you can use for your pregnant Sim.

    Explored everything there’s to explore? Here’s a brand new Shang Simla tomb for you.
    Explore some more?Check out Desert Palace, a tomb especially created for RFlong7’s amazing upcoming world.
  • edited September 2013
    OK, I went back into CAS, and this time I dressed her in each of the clothing items from the base game. There are others from EPs and SPs, but I didn't include them. I don't have all of them, and I don't know which ones you have, but if someone else doesn't provide more pictures from you, I can do the rest that I have later. I don't have time right now, as I'm supposed to be doing something else right now. I can procrastinate only so long.
    Here's a link to my page:
  • edited September 2013
    What would really be nice is if they let you take your pregnant sim into the wardrobe and choose her clothing. It wouldn't be any harder for them to make it work than it was for Twallen.
  • edited September 2013
    I added shots of all the clothing from Generations. So that's all I have.
  • edited September 2013
    If you have Generations, I'm 99% sure that all of the clothes are maternity.
    Edit: This list is extremely helpful. :-)
  • edited September 2013
    No problem Sorry I couldnt be of more help though. Its also a stupid system because there are clothes that SHOULD be included, but arent, and then there are clothes that are a little inappropriate but are included. Although, in saying that, Outerwear is exactly the same
  • edited September 2013
    If you have Generations, I'm 99% sure that all of the clothes are maternity.
    Edit: This list is extremely helpful. :-)
    It's so limited I think....

    Explored everything there’s to explore? Here’s a brand new Shang Simla tomb for you.
    Explore some more?Check out Desert Palace, a tomb especially created for RFlong7’s amazing upcoming world.
  • edited September 2013
    There are clothing items that I've seen my sims wear while pregnant that aren't on that list, or in CAS when I take a pregnant sim in with MC.
  • edited September 2013
    There are clothing items that I've seen my sims wear while pregnant that aren't on that list, or in CAS when I take a pregnant sim in with MC.
    You can think of examples? It's really boring to dress my lady's in the same clothes all the time, trying to pimp it up in CASt.

    Explored everything there’s to explore? Here’s a brand new Shang Simla tomb for you.
    Explore some more?Check out Desert Palace, a tomb especially created for RFlong7’s amazing upcoming world.
  • edited September 2013
    Yes, there is at least one top from the base game, and one complete outfit from Generations that my sims have worn as maternity wear, that are not shown on the list. The top is the same one I always see female taxi drivers wearing. If you've ever looked into the taxis and seen the drivers, you might know which one I'm talking about. The outfit from Generations is another one with leggings and a tunic, that also shows up in the athletic wear choices. I'll try to remember to get pictures tomorrow and post them.
  • edited September 2013
    Here are the other maternity choices I mentioned:
    This is the top from the base game. I've seen it more often than any others on pregnant sims, including my own.
    Here is the complete outfit. I was mistaken in saying it's from Generations. I noticed today that the symbol is the one from Town Life SP. If my sim is already wearing it when she becomes aware of being pregnant, she keeps it. It never gets put on her by the game.

  • edited September 2013
    I had my Sim select outfits from Generation for maternity clothing as shown in the picture below of her taking her baby home from the hospital.

  • edited September 2013
    @ IreneSwift
    The first one is new to me, thanks!, the second one - I'm afraid - I could make a similar series of I did with the other outfit And there is this one I used several times too:

    Explored everything there’s to explore? Here’s a brand new Shang Simla tomb for you.
    Explore some more?Check out Desert Palace, a tomb especially created for RFlong7’s amazing upcoming world.
  • edited September 2013
    That's one of my favorites too. I use it a lot. I almost always customize it. In fact, I put it on the sim I made as my avatar. I customized almost all of her outfits.
  • I know this thread might be old, buuut I didn't see a point making a whole new thread on this same subject. So I used nraas's master controller stylist while my young adult sim was pregnant and made a chart of the icons which should help people find the maternity clothes a lot easier. The rows up to the last 2, are from the every day list, then swimwear, then outwear. Most of these are found in the other category of clothing so I did not need to include those in the list as they show up already. THis list includes some store content, but mostly base game and a few expansions, namely generations, showtime and seasons.

    My current feelings about The Sims 4. Here is hoping The Sims 5 can restore The Sims franchise.
  • I know this thread might be old, buuut I didn't see a point making a whole new thread on this same subject. So I used nraas's master controller stylist while my young adult sim was pregnant and made a chart of the icons which should help people find the maternity clothes a lot easier. The rows up to the last 2, are from the every day list, then swimwear, then outwear. Most of these are found in the other category of clothing so I did not need to include those in the list as they show up already. THis list includes some store content, but mostly base game and a few expansions, namely generations, showtime and seasons.

    That is not a lot, I wish that they would have added more
  • There are some things in there I didn't realize were maternity like the Tudor dress and the wedding stuff. Thank you so much! I'll have to update my list.
  • I know this thread might be old, buuut I didn't see a point making a whole new thread on this same subject. So I used nraas's master controller stylist while my young adult sim was pregnant and made a chart of the icons which should help people find the maternity clothes a lot easier. The rows up to the last 2, are from the every day list, then swimwear, then outwear. Most of these are found in the other category of clothing so I did not need to include those in the list as they show up already. THis list includes some store content, but mostly base game and a few expansions, namely generations, showtime and seasons.

    That is not a lot, I wish that they would have added more

    Yeah, but the beauty of the create-a-style is that it's possible to make one of them outfits look really decent at least. But I agree, I wish there were more options. There's quite a number of default outfits that look like they should be pregnancy enabled but sadly are not.

    My current feelings about The Sims 4. Here is hoping The Sims 5 can restore The Sims franchise.

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