Mechassault Pc Download

MechAssault Review. If you're going to buy one game with your Xbox Live starter kit, MechAssault is the one to get. Mechassault had very little do with 'normal' third person shooters, which is why it was so successful. The second game wasn't very good, but the first game was a huge thing from release until they stopped supporting it. Free Game Downloads Download: Games, Game Demos, Patches, Trainers, Wallpapers, Mods. Here you can download free and legal files for your PC and laptop computer. The download section, currently consisting of 32517 files, has full games, free demos, mods (fan-made game modifications), add-ons and official patches.

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The problem with mech games--specifically ones based on Battletech--is that they're generally too slow and complex to make for a good console experience. That's why the only exciting giant robot games you see tend to come out of Japan, where mechs are usually fast and nimble, not huge and lumbering. Until now.

In a move that's sure to have pen-and-paper purists across the country crying foul, Day 1 is creating a BattleTech game with giant robots that behave more like they belong in Robotech or Zone of the Enders. These babies are fast and furious. In MechAssault, you're a one-man wrecking crew, capable of literally destroying entire cities. But all this destruction isn't senseless (OK...most of it is)--you can actually knock buildings onto groups of attacking enemies, thus saving time and ammo.Plus, it's one of the ways to find weapon, shield and jump-jet upgrades in the game.

Day 1 wants to keep this game console-friendly, so you'll play the role of a single, badass mercenary sent in to clean out a planet of unsuspecting pirates. That means no squad to deal with and no wingmen to protect. But MechAssault will still feature objective-based gameplay, like rescue and escort missions. In other words, it's not just another mindless shooter.

Mechassault Pc Download

Mechassault 2 Mechs

The big question is whether or not BattleTech can succeed as a console game. Microsoft's determined to prove it can.

Overall rating: 9.5
Mechassault Pc DownloadAfter the first round of downloadable content for MechAssault was delayed by unforeseen technical issues, Microsoft gave us a nice generic release date for this most recent crop of new MechAssault goodies. The date was so vague that it ended up being just a few hours before IGN's regular evening publish time. But it's all there waiting to be gobbled up by the diehard MechAssault fans out there who are now the proud owners of the most updated game available on Xbox.

The highlight of this newest group is the new Capture the Flag gameplay mode. Unfortunately this gameplay mode can only be played on two maps, but they're both new and included in this batch. Desert Storm comes with a brutal bridge/chokepoint and some treacherously narrow pathways that make your mech selection extremely important. Midtown Mayhem is a pleasant urban setting that'll satisfy your need for more buildings and structures to bring down on enemies. Remember they're both CTF only meaning the only way you can play them is during a Capture the Flag match and the only maps you'll be playing during a CTF match will be Midtown Mayhem and Desert Storm.

Two new mechs, the Loki and the Hellbringer are also available. Both bring a lot more heat and firepower to the game than the quick but wimpy Corvus and Raven models from the last round of downloads. The Loki comes well armed with triple Crossbows, dual Autocannons and dual pulse lasers. The Hellbringer does just that with its Flamer energy weapon, dual Autocannon and solo Javelin missile. If you treat the HB like a miniature Ragnarok, you're heading in the right direction.

Nitpicky Xbox Livers will happy with the new rematch feature and onscreen voice indicator. Now you'll be able to see which mech pilot is doing all that talking in the upper right corner of your screen. Also you won't have to track down the crew of gamers you just ran with anymore thanks to the easy rematch feature that allows you to quickly get right back to the action. This is an intuitive feature that everybody had always wanted out of MechAssault. Now if we can just get 'em to fix the friends list.

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While there's always the chance for more content down the road, it's certainly looking like this will be it for MechAssault's downloadable upgrades. After all the kids at Day 1 had better starting looking into a full sequel rather than limiting themselves to the capabilities of the original.

Mechassault Savegame Image Download

IGN probably won't have anymore on MechAssault even though this sucker's had more post-release coverage then your average game.

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